San Francisco Accordion Club June 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club June 2009 Meeting

Michael Sanossian

Salane Schultz

Lynn Ewing and Marian Kelly

Lynn Ewing and Sharon Greyhosky

Dee Langley

Michele Scheffler

Trio Shalymar

Wild Rovers

Musical Meeting June 2009

June Musical Meeting-Something Familiar, Something New

Michael Sanossian set the upbeat mood with some great pre-meeting music. Salane Schultz started off the program with some familiar and beloved Latin numbers: La Paloma, La Cumparsita, El Choclo, Tico-Tico, El Cumanchero Cubano. Salane's lessons with Lou Jacklich are paying off!

"Shalymar" is a composite of "Sharon-Lynn-Marian," and is the new name for this very accomplsihed trio of Sharon Greyhosky, Lynn Ewing and Marian Kelly. The three also play as duets and individually. Lynn and Marian played Domino (arr. Frank Marocco); Stas Venglevsky's Autumn Illusions, and a Marocco arrangement of Mademoiselle de Paris. Then Sharon and Marian played Silver Slippers, arr. the late Joe Morelli, and Sharon played a solo of There'll Be Some Changes Made. Sharon and Lynn then played a duet of Frosini's Olive Blossoms, and Joe's Smiell's arrangement of Anitra's Dance from Peer Gynt (Grieg).

We had some surprise visitors from the Accordionists and Teachers' Guild: Their new President Dee Langley and ATG board member Michele Scheffler. They told us of their plans to have the 2010 ATG convention in San Jose (great news!) and other ATG news. Dee played a couple of very difficult Bulgarian pieces, followed by the familiar La Compagnola, faster & faster until the audience was worn out from the fast clapping. This was an unexpected treat. Shalymar returned to the stage to play some well-rehearsed trios for us: Stas Venglevski's amusing Shenanigans and Joe Smiell's Concert Etude for 3 Accordions. Their final pieces was Carl Fortina's arrangement of Carioca, With Gus Greyhosky providing the percussion.

Last on the program but certainly not least was the group of seven young men known as The Wild Rovers, and they provided a program of upbeat traditional Irish songs, mostly including vocals, that knocked everyone's socks off. Val has to brag a bit that her nephew, Jeff Trabucco, is one of the Wild Rovers-he plays the bodhrán (Irish frame drum) and also plays the whistle and sings vocals-I was so proud! You can see them at

It was Father's Day and a long program, but everyone left in a terrific mood.

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