
Upcoming Featured Performers
Our mission is to support the performers in the accordion community and we thank the wonderful artists who generously give their talent to entertain us at the San Francisco Accordion Club.

September 15th: Ron Borelli!

Ron Borelli is a local favorite as well as a member of the San Francisco Accordion Club. He is an active and nuch sought after musician in the San Francisco Bay area, both as a solo performer on piano and accordion and as the leader of the Ron Borelli Orchestra.

Ron has connections with some of the Bay Area’s finest musicians and can assemble any combination of instrumentalists and vocalists to entertain at any event.

Ron and his Gypsy Jazz quartet will be presenting our September program live and in-person from the Chetcuti Community Room in Milbrae!

Please visit Ron's website for more information about Ron, his Orchestra and where you might see him performing next.

September's meeeting will be live at the Checuti Community Center and broadcast via ZOOM!

October 20th, 2024: Accordion Circle - Live at the Piedmont High School Student Center,Building B!

Last February we had a very successful turnout when we met in the East Bay. We saw both familiar and many new faces participating. What works once is worth repeating so October's SFAC Accordion Circle get-together will once again meet at the Piedmont High School Student Center, Building B, 800 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611. What was a one-time experiment has taught us that there are many people with an interest in the accordion in the East Bay, that we can reach out to. We hope all members from wherever you live in the Bay Area will participate.

Accordionists of all skill levels are welcome – from beginners to seasoned experts, and anyone in-between.
If you don’t play the accordion, join the event anyway and cheer the players on Please contact Ken Schwartz at if you would like to be added to the playlist.

November 17th: Monica Ambalal - brought to you via ZOOM!

In November, we diverge from our typical musical performance on the accordion, to a mini-lecture about the history of the accordion in the Bay Area.
Club member Monica Ambalal is a scholar, a professor, a cellist, a singer and a student of the Accordion with the late Lou Jacklich. Please join us via Zoom as Monica talks about her recently defended Doctoral thesis: The Development and Sustainability of the Piano-Accordion by Italian Communities in Northern Ca.

Monica is the chair of the Department of Music at Merritt College and is nearing completion of a Phd from UC-Santa Cruz. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the piano accordion and how it was cultivated and sustained by Italian communities in northern California.
Monica has agreed to offer the Club a glimpse back in time, when the accordion was in its heyday in San Francisco, host to many Accordion manufacturers and some of the most prominent teachers and accordionists of the time.

December 15th: Accordion Circle - Holiday Edition!

Please bring your accordion and be ready to join the festivities in a holiday Accordion Circle meeting at the Chetcuti Community Room. Sheet music with our favorite holiday tunes will be provided to play and enjoy as a group.

Accordionists of all skill levels are welcome - from very beginner, to somone dusting off that accordion in the closet after raising a family or pursuing a career, to the seasoned expert. If you don't play the accordion - come anyway and sing along - tis the season, and there will be plenty of Carols and holiday songs.

If you have a piece you would like to perform for the Circle, no reservation is necessary but time is limited. You can reserve a spot by contacting Ken Schwartz at to be added to the playlist.

© 2007- The San Francisco Accordion Club